Alba Marrón Bio's info

Alba Rosario Marrón Canseco works in COBACH Baja California in México. She has 20 years’ experience in working with teenagers and has used technology since the 90’s in her classes. She has collaborated as a trainer, designer and coordinator in teaching programs. She also worked as an outreach coordinator for six years a state level, implementing programs to recycle, as well as coordinating 13 memorandums of agreement with different educative institutions.
This 2015 she won the Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching Program representing Mexico and she is attending Indiana University this fall.
Her capstone project is about successful practices in teaching English as a Foreign Language. Education is her main drive and firmly believes that engaging student into pursuing their goals is the most important issue in the classroom space.
Alba is part of the Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching Program along with other 16 teachers from nine different countries. They are studying in Indiana University and researching about Education, since August and until December 10.