PBL Project Based Learning School in Indiana.
ALBA ROSARIO MARRON CANSECO. MEXICO. FULBRIGHT DAT. This is a report about our visit as Fulbright group to a school that uses 100 % the...

Contabilidad a Cucharadas
Puede una decir que es escritora ya que ha escrito y publicado tres libros, uno por mes para ser más exactos. Creo que con ello me siento...

What s next after being a Fulbright DAT?
I am not going to lie. When I returned in January 2016, adapting to my reality at my job was very hard. I missed a lot my dearest...

Our visits to the High School.
The second week in our program in Bloomington, we started visiting the different schools, an Elementary school, so beautiful and so neat...

The beginning. University of Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana.
Program Experience. The Fulbright experience has no parallel. The opportunity to travel abroad and study immerse in a College Town is...

Google survey Case about successful practices of the Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching Progr
4.- Describe your teaching approach style, (your philosophy as a teacher) that works best to achieve the learning of your students My...

3.- Could you describe the best strategies that you use in your classroom? The most effective ones?
Google survey Case about successful practices of the Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching Program Teachers 2015. We use a range of...

Google survey Case about successful practices of the Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching Progr
When the proposal for the capstone project was outlined in 2014, one of my main goals was to research about successful practices of...
Project Based Learning
ALBA ROSARIO MARRON CANSECO. MEXICO. FULBRIGHT DAT. One of the most revealing experiences during my time in Indiana, was visiting the...
Teaching English as Foreign Language
September 30 2015 Memorial Building classroom 303. Indiana University, USA. Doctor Yucel Yilmaz, Language acquisition research expert....