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These are some of the many photos I have taken. I am just a person with a cell phone, nothing fancy, but for me taking a photo is leaving a memory of an experience, sometimes it is memory of a loved one or merry moments, In Education it means to have an evidence of what you do and the most important, the outcomes of your students' learning.
Writing, poetry
We are men and women
Made of gold and silver
Death is our friend
Pure, hard and yet soft and tender
Chocolate made, sweetness joy
Surrender us, love is our flag
We have in our eyes
Thousands of memories
From our ancestors
A history like no one else’s
Majestic, vibrant and powerful
Yet pain shows when one of us
Is wounded
We are one, yet we are many
Colors, many rituals, many sorrows
We are one, but many sounds come
From our mouths.
Many rhythms from our bodies
Hymns and songs. We are one, but we have different seas, Gulfs.
Many mountains, perfect deserts.
The aquarium of the world.
The beauty of volcanoes, canyons, jungles and lagoons.
We are one, yet so many
We are diverse and the same
We are laugh and love
Tears and sorrow
We are one, men and women
Full of love.
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